
Database: LenVarDB

Protein domains are the functional and evolutionary units of protein structure and are independent in its functionality and folding pattern. These protein domains (across certain protein folds) has the ability to tolerate changes in sequence and length during evolutionary drifts, without changing its folding topology or functionality. Length variations at protein domain level have been known to cause functional impacts like, increasing structural stability, diversifying substrate specificity etc. A comprehensive resource of length variant protein domains at superfamily level (LenVarDB) will help users solve issues like; will the presence of length variations hinder substrate entry by formation of a capping loop or will they form a new interface and diversify the social skills of a protein domain? Though these variations have been recorded only at the level of protein domain 'structures', this database attempts (for the first time) to include sequence information, by gathering homologues of superfamily members and deriving indels from their multiple sequence alignment.

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