
Database: Knowledgebase of proteins involved in 3D domain swapping:

3DSwap [3DSwap Knowledgebase of proteins involved in 3D domain swapping] is a curated knowledegbase of protein structures that are reported to be involved in 3 Dimensional Domain Swapping. 3DSwap provides literature curated information and various structure related information about 3D Domain Swapping in Proteins. 3D domain swapping is a mechanism for two or more protein molecules to form a dimer or higher oligomer by exchanging an identical structural element (“domain”). It has been first reported in Diptheria Toxin [ 1DDT in 3DSwap Knowledgebase]. 3DSwap provides detailed various information about swapping, hinge region, swapped region, extent of swapping etc. Information related to domain swapping, residues involved in hinge region, residues involved in swapped regions etc. are extracted from orginal research publications after extensive literature curation.

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